Hello there a small problem but idk how to fix it :/
warning 225: unreachable code
PHP Code:
public OnPlayerCommandText( playerid, cmdtext[ ] )
if ( !strcmp( cmdtext, "/bank" ) )
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, 2316.6213,-7.3885,26.7422)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You must be in bank.");
INI_ParseFile( ReturnBankingName( playerid ), "ParseReceived", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid );
if ( fexist( ReturnBankingName( playerid ) ) && !P_DATA[ playerid ][ P_Logged ] )
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, BANK_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, ""COL_ALL"Banking System: {FFFFFF}Login", ""COL_GREY"Please insert the password of your Bank Account", "Login", "Exit");
else if ( !fexist( ReturnBankingName( playerid ) ) )
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, BANK_CREATE, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""COL_ALL"Banking System", "{FFFFFF}You don't have a "COL_ALL"Banking Account{FFFFFF}\nWould you like to create?", "Yes", "Exit");
else if ( P_DATA[ playerid ][ P_Logged ] && !GetPVarInt( playerid, "MoneyReceived" ) )
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, BANK, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""COL_ALL"Banking System", "{FFF1EB}Deposit\n\
{FFF1EB}Account Information\n\
{FFF1EB}Banking System Information\n\
{FFF1EB}Cancel account\n\
{D9997E}Exit", "Select", "");
else if ( P_DATA[ playerid ][ P_Logged ] == 1 && GetPVarInt( playerid, "MoneyReceived" ) == 1 )
ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, BANK, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, ""COL_ALL"Banking System", "{FFF1EB}Deposit\n\
{FFF1EB}Account Information\n\
{FFF1EB}Banking System Information\n\
{FFF1EB}Cancel account\n\
{9CFFC2}Receive Transfer\n\
{D9997E}Exit", "Select", "");
return 1;
return 0;