Hey There,
First of all This is my own Idea That how to combine/merge two fiterscripts into one.
And this is not a fully combiner tutorial you have to struggle yourself but this will make your struggle easy
So Lets Begin:
What to Do?
I am Taking an INCLUDE File Which is FILEMANAGER(JaTochNietDan)
It does'nt work for me so Its like a Spare include file.
Delete Everything from inside you include.
And just put your Script in it.
Now open pawno and open your FS which you want to combine.
I putted a DUMB script(cuz its by me):
Don't talk about my script down.
So I am gonna use sf_zombotech script by kye and matite:
under the
Now That my first script(which is in the include)
Have a OnDialogResponse callback
And the second script have the callback too so just a little effort to combine that callback
Like I said This will just make combining alot easier
+rep if helped cuz it really helped me
First of all This is my own Idea That how to combine/merge two fiterscripts into one.
And this is not a fully combiner tutorial you have to struggle yourself but this will make your struggle easy
So Lets Begin:
What to Do?
I am Taking an INCLUDE File Which is FILEMANAGER(JaTochNietDan)
It does'nt work for me so Its like a Spare include file.
Delete Everything from inside you include.
And just put your Script in it.
Now open pawno and open your FS which you want to combine.
I putted a DUMB script(cuz its by me):
// This is a comment
// uncomment the line below if you want to write a filterscript
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(" Talal's First EVer FS loaded.");
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
print(" Unloaded.");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 5000, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, "Buy Weapon",
DEAGLE\t$8000\t50", // Etc.
"Select", "Cancel");
return 1;
return 0;
stock SellWeapon(playerid,money,weapon,ammo)
new playermoney = GetPlayerMoney(playerid);
new string[80],weaponname[32];
format(string,sizeof(string),"You bought %i ammo of weapon %s for $%i",ammo,weaponname,money);
return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string);
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are Cheap idiot Oops!You don't have enough money");
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == 5000)
if(response) // If they clicked 'Select' or double-clicked a weapon
// Give them the weapon
case 0: GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 21, 50); // It does'nt work so ignore
case 1: SellWeapon(playerid, 8000, 26, 50); // Give them an GSawnOFF
case 2: SellWeapon(playerid, 500, 23, 50); // Give them an Silenced Pistol
case 3: SellWeapon(playerid, 500, 22, 50);
case 4: SellWeapon(playerid, 10000, 34, 50);
case 5: SellWeapon(playerid, 8000, 31, 50);
case 6: SellWeapon(playerid, 8000, 30, 50);
case 7: SellWeapon(playerid, 8000, 24, 50);
return 1; // We handled a dialog, so return 1. Just like OnPlayerCommandText.
return 0; // You MUST return 0 here! Just like OnPlayerCommandText.
So I am gonna use sf_zombotech script by kye and matite:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Example Filterscript for the new SF ZomboTech Building and Lab with Elevator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Original elevator code by Zamaroht in 2010
// Updated by Kye in 2011
// * Added a sound effect for the elevator starting/stopping
// Edited by Matite in January 2015
// * Added code to remove the existing building, add the new buildings and
// adapted the elevator code so it works in this new building
// This script creates the new SF ZomboTech building and the lab objects, removes
// the existing GTASA building object and creates an elevator that can be used to
// travel between the building foyer and the lab.
// You can un-comment the OnPlayerCommandText callback below to enable a simple
// teleport command (/zl) that teleports you to the ZomboTech Lab elevator.
// Warning...
// This script uses a total of:
// * 9 objects = 1 for the elevator, 2 for the elevator doors, 4 for the elevator
// floor doors and 2 for the buildings (replacement ZomboTech building and lab)
// * 3 3D Text Labels = 2 on the floors and 1 in the elevator
// * 1 dialog (for the elevator)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// --------
// SA-MP include
#include <a_samp>
// For PlaySoundForPlayersInRange()
#include "../include/gl_common.inc"
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Defines
// -------
// Movement speed of the elevator
#define ELEVATOR_SPEED (5.0)
// Movement speed of the doors
#define DOORS_SPEED (5.0)
// Time in ms that the elevator will wait in each floor before continuing with the queue...
// be sure to give enough time for doors to open
#define ELEVATOR_WAIT_TIME (5000)
// Dialog ID for the ZomboTech building elevator dialog
#define DIALOG_ID (875)
// Position defines
#define X_DOOR_CLOSED (-1951.603027)
#define GROUND_Z_COORD (47.451492)
#define X_ELEVATOR_POS (-1951.603027)
#define Y_ELEVATOR_POS (636.418334)
// Elevator state defines
// Invalid floor define
#define INVALID_FLOOR (-1)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ---------
// Elevator floor names for the 3D text labels
static FloorNames[2][] =
"Ground Floor",
"ZomboTech Lab"
// Elevator floor Z heights
static Float:FloorZOffsets[2] =
0.0, // Ground Floor
-21.628007 // ZomboTech Lab -21.598007
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Variables
// ---------
// Stores the created object numbers of the replacement building and the lab so
// they can be destroyed when the filterscript is unloaded
new SFZomboTechBuildingObject;
new SFZomboTechLabObject;
// Stores the created object numbers of the elevator, the elevator doors and
// the elevator floor doors so they can be destroyed when the filterscript
// is unloaded
new Obj_Elevator, Obj_ElevatorDoors[2], Obj_FloorDoors[2][2];
// Stores a reference to the 3D text labels used on each floor and inside the
// elevator itself so they can be detroyed when the filterscript is unloaded
new Text3D:Label_Elevator, Text3D:Label_Floors[2];
// Stores the current state of the elevator (ie ELEVATOR_STATE_IDLE,
new ElevatorState;
// Stores the current floor the elevator is on or heading to... if the value is
// ELEVATOR_STATE_IDLE or ELEVATOR_STATE_WAITING this is the current floor. If
// the value is ELEVATOR_STATE_MOVING then it is the floor it's moving to
new ElevatorFloor;
// Stores the elevator queue for each floor
new ElevatorQueue[2];
// Stores who requested the floor for the elevator queue...
// FloorRequestedBy[floor_id] = playerid; (stores who requested which floor)
new FloorRequestedBy[2];
// Used for a timer that makes the elevator move faster after players start
// surfing the object
new ElevatorBoostTimer;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function Forwards
// -----------------
// Public:
forward CallElevator(playerid, floorid); // You can use INVALID_PLAYER_ID too.
forward ShowElevatorDialog(playerid);
// Private:
forward Elevator_Initialize();
forward Elevator_Destroy();
forward Elevator_OpenDoors();
forward Elevator_CloseDoors();
forward Floor_OpenDoors(floorid);
forward Floor_CloseDoors(floorid);
forward Elevator_MoveToFloor(floorid);
forward Elevator_Boost(floorid); // Increases the elevator speed until it reaches 'floorid'.
forward Elevator_TurnToIdle();
forward ReadNextFloorInQueue();
forward RemoveFirstQueueFloor();
forward AddFloorToQueue(floorid);
forward IsFloorInQueue(floorid);
forward ResetElevatorQueue();
forward DidPlayerRequestElevator(playerid);
forward Float:GetElevatorZCoordForFloor(floorid);
forward Float:GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Callbacks
// ---------
// Un-comment the OnPlayerCommandText callback below (remove the "/*" and the "*/")
// to enable a simple teleport command (/zl) which teleports the player to
// the Zombotech Lab elevator.
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
// Check command text
if (strcmp("/zl", cmdtext, true, 3) == 0)
// Set the interior
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
// Set player position and facing angle
SetPlayerPos(playerid, -1957.11 + random(2), 644.36 + random(2), 47.6);
SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 215);
// Fix camera position after teleporting
// Send a gametext message to the player
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~b~~h~ZomboTech Lab!", 3000, 3);
// Exit here
return 1;
// Exit here (return 0 as the command was not handled in this filterscript)
return 0;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
print(" |--- SF ZomboTech Filterscript");
print(" |-- Script v1.01");
print(" |-- 12th January 2015");
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
// Create the SF ZomboTech Building object
SFZomboTechBuildingObject = CreateObject(19593, -1951.687500, 660.023986, 89.507797, 0, 0, 0);
// Create the SF ZomboTech Lab object
SFZomboTechLabObject = CreateObject(19594, -1951.687500, 660.023986, 29.507797, 0, 0, 0);
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- SF ZomboTech Building and Lab objects created");
// Reset the elevator queue
// Create the elevator object, the elevator doors and the floor doors
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- SF ZomboTech Building Elevator created");
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
// Loop
for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
// Check if the player is connected and not a NPC
if (IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i))
// Remove default GTASA SF ZomboTech map object and LOD for the player
// (so any player currently ingame does not have to rejoin for them
// to be removed when this filterscript is loaded)
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(i, 10027, -1951.687500, 660.023986, 89.507797, 250.0); // Building
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(i, 9939, -1951.687500, 660.023986, 89.507797, 250.0); // LOD
// Exit here
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
// Check for valid object
if (IsValidObject(SFZomboTechBuildingObject))
// Destroy the SF ZombotTech Building object
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
print(" |-- SF ZomboTech Building object destroyed");
// Check for valid object
if (IsValidObject(SFZomboTechLabObject))
// Destroy the SF ZomboTech Lab object
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- SF ZomboTech Lab object destroyed");
// Destroy the elevator, the elevator doors and the elevator floor doors
// Display information in the Server Console
print(" |-- SF ZomboTech Building Elevator destroyed");
print(" |---------------------------------------------------");
// Exit here
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
// Remove default GTASA SF ZomboTech map object and LOD for the player
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 10027, -1951.687500, 660.023986, 89.507797, 250.0); // Building
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 9939, -1951.687500, 660.023986, 89.507797, 250.0); // LOD
// Exit here
return 1;
public OnObjectMoved(objectid)
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
for(new i; i < sizeof(Obj_FloorDoors); i ++)
if(objectid == Obj_FloorDoors[i][0])
GetObjectPos(Obj_FloorDoors[i][0], x, y, z);
// A floor door has shut so move the elevator to the next floor in the queue
if (x == X_DOOR_CLOSED)
if(objectid == Obj_Elevator) // The elevator reached the specified floor.
KillTimer(ElevatorBoostTimer); // Kills the timer, in case the elevator reached the floor before boost.
FloorRequestedBy[ElevatorFloor] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
GetObjectPos(Obj_Elevator, x, y, z);
Label_Elevator = Create3DTextLabel("{CCCCCC}Press '{FFFFFF}~k~~CONVERSATION_YES~{CCCCCC}' to use elevator", 0xCCCCCCAA, X_ELEVATOR_POS - 1.8, Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 1.6, z - 0.6, 4.0, 0, 1);
SetTimer("Elevator_TurnToIdle", ELEVATOR_WAIT_TIME, 0);
return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == DIALOG_ID)
return 0;
if(FloorRequestedBy[listitem] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID || IsFloorInQueue(listitem))
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~The floor is already in the queue", 3500, 4);
else if(DidPlayerRequestElevator(playerid))
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~You already requested the elevator", 3500, 4);
CallElevator(playerid, listitem);
return 1;
return 0;
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if(!IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && (newkeys & KEY_YES))
new Float:pos[3];
GetPlayerPos(playerid, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
//printf("X = %0.2f | Y = %0.2f | Z = %0.2f", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);
if(pos[1] < (Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 1.8) && pos[1] > (Y_ELEVATOR_POS - 1.8) && pos[0] < (X_ELEVATOR_POS + 1.8) && pos[0] > (X_ELEVATOR_POS - 1.8)) // He is using the elevator button
else // Is the player using a floor button?
if(pos[1] > (Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 1.81) && pos[1] < (Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 3.8) && pos[0] < (X_ELEVATOR_POS - 1.81) && pos[0] > (X_ELEVATOR_POS - 3.8))
// Create variable
new i = 0;
// Check for ground floor
if (pos[2] > (GROUND_Z_COORD - 2) && pos[2] < (GROUND_Z_COORD + 2))
i = 0;
else i = 1;
//printf("Floor = %d | State = %d | i = %d", ElevatorFloor, ElevatorState, i);
// Check if the elevator is not moving and already on the requested floor
if (ElevatorState != ELEVATOR_STATE_MOVING && ElevatorFloor == i)
// Display a gametext message and exit here
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~n~~n~~n~~n~~n~~r~ZomboTech Elevator~n~~r~Is Already On~n~~r~This Floor!", 3000, 5);
return 1;
//printf("Call Elevator to Floor %i", i);
CallElevator(playerid, i);
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~r~Elevator called", 3500, 4);
return 1;
// ------------------------ Functions ------------------------
stock Elevator_Initialize()
// Initializes the elevator.
Obj_Elevator = CreateObject(18755, X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GROUND_Z_COORD, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.000000);
Obj_ElevatorDoors[0] = CreateObject(18757, X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GROUND_Z_COORD, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.000000);
Obj_ElevatorDoors[1] = CreateObject(18756, X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GROUND_Z_COORD, 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.000000);
Label_Elevator = Create3DTextLabel("{CCCCCC}Press '{FFFFFF}~k~~CONVERSATION_YES~{CCCCCC}' to use elevator", 0xCCCCCCAA, X_ELEVATOR_POS - 1.8, Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 1.6, GROUND_Z_COORD - 0.6, 4.0, 0, 1);
new string[128],
for(new i; i < sizeof(Obj_FloorDoors); i ++)
Obj_FloorDoors[i][0] = CreateObject(18757, X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 0.245, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(i), 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.000000);
Obj_FloorDoors[i][1] = CreateObject(18756, X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 0.245, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(i), 0.000000, 0.000000, 270.000000);
format(string, sizeof(string), "{CCCCCC}[%s]\n{CCCCCC}Press '{FFFFFF}~k~~CONVERSATION_YES~{CCCCCC}' to call", FloorNames[i]);
if(i == 0)
z = 47.460277;
z = 25.820274;
Label_Floors[i] = Create3DTextLabel(string, 0xCCCCCCAA, X_ELEVATOR_POS - 2.5, Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 2.5, z - 0.2, 10.5, 0, 1);
// Open ground floor doors:
return 1;
stock Elevator_Destroy()
// Destroys the elevator and the elevator doors
// Destroy the 3D text label inside the elevator
// Loop
for(new i; i < sizeof(Obj_FloorDoors); i ++)
// Destroy the elevator floor doors and the floor 3D text labels
return 1;
stock Elevator_OpenDoors()
// Opens the elevator's doors.
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetObjectPos(Obj_ElevatorDoors[0], x, y, z);
MoveObject(Obj_ElevatorDoors[0], X_DOOR_L_OPENED, y, z, DOORS_SPEED);
MoveObject(Obj_ElevatorDoors[1], X_DOOR_R_OPENED, y, z, DOORS_SPEED);
return 1;
stock Elevator_CloseDoors()
// Closes the elevator's doors.
if(ElevatorState == ELEVATOR_STATE_MOVING)
return 0;
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
GetObjectPos(Obj_ElevatorDoors[0], x, y, z);
MoveObject(Obj_ElevatorDoors[0], X_DOOR_CLOSED, y, z, DOORS_SPEED);
MoveObject(Obj_ElevatorDoors[1], X_DOOR_CLOSED, y, z, DOORS_SPEED);
return 1;
stock Floor_OpenDoors(floorid)
// Opens the doors at the specified floor.
MoveObject(Obj_FloorDoors[floorid][0], X_DOOR_L_OPENED, Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 0.245, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid), DOORS_SPEED);
MoveObject(Obj_FloorDoors[floorid][1], X_DOOR_R_OPENED, Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 0.245, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid), DOORS_SPEED);
PlaySoundForPlayersInRange(6401, 50.0, X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid) + 5.0);
return 1;
stock Floor_CloseDoors(floorid)
// Closes the doors at the specified floor.
MoveObject(Obj_FloorDoors[floorid][0], X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 0.245, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid), DOORS_SPEED);
MoveObject(Obj_FloorDoors[floorid][1], X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS + 0.245, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid), DOORS_SPEED);
PlaySoundForPlayersInRange(6401, 50.0, X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid) + 5.0);
return 1;
stock Elevator_MoveToFloor(floorid)
// Moves the elevator to specified floor (doors are meant to be already closed).
ElevatorFloor = floorid;
// Move the elevator slowly, to give time to clients to sync the object surfing. Then, boost it up:
MoveObject(Obj_Elevator, X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GetElevatorZCoordForFloor(floorid), 0.25);
MoveObject(Obj_ElevatorDoors[0], X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid), 0.25);
MoveObject(Obj_ElevatorDoors[1], X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid), 0.25);
ElevatorBoostTimer = SetTimerEx("Elevator_Boost", 2000, 0, "i", floorid);
return 1;
public Elevator_Boost(floorid)
// Increases the elevator's speed until it reaches 'floorid'
MoveObject(Obj_Elevator, X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GetElevatorZCoordForFloor(floorid), ELEVATOR_SPEED);
MoveObject(Obj_ElevatorDoors[0], X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid), ELEVATOR_SPEED);
MoveObject(Obj_ElevatorDoors[1], X_ELEVATOR_POS, Y_ELEVATOR_POS, GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid), ELEVATOR_SPEED);
return 1;
public Elevator_TurnToIdle()
return 1;
stock RemoveFirstQueueFloor()
// Removes the data in ElevatorQueue[0], and reorders the queue accordingly.
for(new i; i < sizeof(ElevatorQueue) - 1; i ++)
ElevatorQueue[i] = ElevatorQueue[i + 1];
ElevatorQueue[sizeof(ElevatorQueue) - 1] = INVALID_FLOOR;
return 1;
stock AddFloorToQueue(floorid)
// Adds 'floorid' at the end of the queue.
// Scan for the first empty space:
new slot = -1;
for(new i; i < sizeof(ElevatorQueue); i ++)
if(ElevatorQueue[i] == INVALID_FLOOR)
slot = i;
if(slot != -1)
ElevatorQueue[slot] = floorid;
// If needed, move the elevator.
if(ElevatorState == ELEVATOR_STATE_IDLE)
return 1;
return 0;
stock ResetElevatorQueue()
// Resets the queue.
for(new i; i < sizeof(ElevatorQueue); i ++)
ElevatorQueue[i] = INVALID_FLOOR;
FloorRequestedBy[i] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID;
return 1;
stock IsFloorInQueue(floorid)
// Checks if the specified floor is currently part of the queue.
for(new i; i < sizeof(ElevatorQueue); i ++)
if(ElevatorQueue[i] == floorid)
return 1;
return 0;
stock ReadNextFloorInQueue()
// Reads the next floor in the queue, closes doors, and goes to it.
if(ElevatorState != ELEVATOR_STATE_IDLE || ElevatorQueue[0] == INVALID_FLOOR)
return 0;
return 1;
stock DidPlayerRequestElevator(playerid)
for(new i; i < sizeof(FloorRequestedBy); i ++)
if(FloorRequestedBy[i] == playerid)
return 1;
return 0;
stock ShowElevatorDialog(playerid)
new string[512];
for(new i; i < sizeof(ElevatorQueue); i ++)
if(FloorRequestedBy[i] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
strcat(string, "{FF0000}");
strcat(string, FloorNames[i]);
strcat(string, "\n");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ID, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "ZomboTech Elevator...", string, "Accept", "Cancel");
return 1;
stock CallElevator(playerid, floorid)
// Calls the elevator (also used with the elevator dialog).
if(FloorRequestedBy[floorid] != INVALID_PLAYER_ID || IsFloorInQueue(floorid))
return 0;
FloorRequestedBy[floorid] = playerid;
return 1;
stock Float:GetElevatorZCoordForFloor(floorid)
return (GROUND_Z_COORD + FloorZOffsets[floorid]);
stock Float:GetDoorsZCoordForFloor(floorid)
return (GROUND_Z_COORD + FloorZOffsets[floorid]);
#include <your include file's name>
#include <a_samp>
Have a OnDialogResponse callback
And the second script have the callback too so just a little effort to combine that callback
Like I said This will just make combining alot easier
+rep if helped cuz it really helped me