I have created this function to display match stats after a game. It runs loops to check how many goals all players scored and it will list multiple names for a record if there is a shared record. The function itself works perfectly fine. However the more times the function is run the more parts of the script that get broken.
Commands stop working, callbacks don't get called, timers don't run anymore. After running the function multiple times eventually the whole script is completely broken and all you can do is chat and log in to the RCON.
Here is the said function:
Any ideas?
Commands stop working, callbacks don't get called, timers don't run anymore. After running the function multiple times eventually the whole script is completely broken and all you can do is chat and log in to the RCON.
Here is the said function:
PHP Code:
public DisplayMatchStats()
new info[256],pname[20],gname[64],tname[64],result[10],goalsScored,tackles,lastpos,Float:redPossessionPerc,Float:bluePossessionPerc;
if(redscore > bluescore) result = "Red Wins";
if(bluescore > redscore) result = "Blue Wins";
if(redscore == bluescore) result = "Draw";
redPossessionPerc = floatround(floatmul(floatdiv(redPossession,floatadd(redPossession,bluePossession)),100));
bluePossessionPerc = floatround(floatmul(floatdiv(bluePossession,floatadd(redPossession,bluePossession)),100));
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) // Most Goals Scored
if(matchGoalsScored[i] >= goalsScored && matchGoalsScored[i] > 0)
if(matchGoalsScored[i] == goalsScored) // Tied record
if(lastpos > 0)
strins(gname,", ",lastpos);
lastpos = lastpos + 2;
lastpos = lastpos + strlen(pname);
else // New record
goalsScored = matchGoalsScored[i];
lastpos = strlen(pname);
if(lastpos > 0)
format(pname,20," (%i)",goalsScored);
lastpos = 0;
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++) // Most tackles
if(matchTackles[i] >= tackles && matchTackles[i] > 0)
if(matchTackles[i] == tackles) // Tied record
if(lastpos > 0)
strins(tname,", ",lastpos);
lastpos = lastpos + 2;
lastpos = lastpos + strlen(pname);
else // New record
tackles = matchTackles[i];
lastpos = strlen(pname);
if(lastpos > 0)
format(pname,20," (%i)",tackles);
format(info,sizeof(info),"Score: %i-%i %s\nBall Possession: Red %.0f%s - Blue %.0f%s\nMost Goals: %s\nMost Tackles: %s",redscore,bluescore,result,redPossessionPerc,"%",bluePossessionPerc,"%",gname,tname);
for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
if(Spawned[i]) ShowPlayerDialog(i,255,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"Match Stats",info,"OK","");