Hello, I would like to present a simple include to convert numbers between systems, decimal, hexadecimal, binary.
PHP Code:
* *
* Data Convert *
* *
* Copyright © 2016 Abyss Morgan. All rights reserved. *
* *
* Download: https://github.com/AbyssMorgan/SA-MP/tree/master/include/SAM *
* *
* File Version: 1.7 *
* *
* Functions: *
* GetFileHandleID(File:handle); *
* GetFileID(File:handle); *
* bool:IsIdentical({AllTag,_}:variable1,{AllTag,_}:variable2); *
* BoolToInt(bool:boolean); *
* bool:IntToBool(value); *
* bool:StringToBool(string[]); *
* StringToInt(string[]); *
* BinToInt(string[]); *
* IntToBin(value); *
* HexToInt(string[]); *
* IntToHex(int); *
* IntToHexEx(int); *
* HexToBin(string[]); *
* BinToHex(string[]); *
* BinToHexEx(string[]); *
* strcopy(input[],output[]); //string copy for warning 224: indeterminate array size *
* fstrcopy(input[],output[],maxdest = sizeof(output)); //fast string copy *
* ABCToCBA(input[],output[]); *
* AnyToInt(str[],type,&bool:flag); *
* IntToAny(value,output[],type); *
* rot13(string[]); *
* code128(input[],output[]); *
* swap_int({Float,_}:int1,{Float,_}:int2); *
* swap_string(string1[], string2[], dest1 = sizeof(string1), dest2 = sizeof(string2)); *
* FloatToInt(Float:value); //Convert Float binary data to Integer binary data *
* Float:IntToFloat(value); //Convert Integer binary data to Float binary data *
* *
PHP Code:
new File:edi = fopen("test.txt",io_readwrite);
new id = GetFileID(edi); //returns the number of open file: 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
new a = BinToInt("1010"); //return 10
new hex[10];
hex = IntToHex(15); //return 00000F
hex = IntToHexEx(15); //return F
new g = 15, Float:h = 15.0;
if(IsIdentical(g,h)){ //This operator can only be used on variables
} else {
printf("NO"); //<-- print this
new buf[128];
printf(buf); //print: olleH
new v1 = 15, v2 = 19;
swap_int(v1,v2); //swapvars by Crayder
//after operation: v1 = 19, v2 = 15
new test = FloatToInt(25666.000000); //return 1187546112
new Float:test2 = IntToFloat(1084227584); //return 5.0
new rot[64];
rot = rot13("San Andreas Multiplayer"); //return "Fna Naqernf Zhygvcynlre"