Well, im trying to make factions from 0, on MYSQL GM
I was reading some tutorials...
I need to put this somewhere: (maybe in some command like /makeleader?)
This should (part of) saving system!?
I need help about Loading system, and create table (need help here too)
I know I maybe asked a lot questions, but if someone can give me right way (at least)
Thanks for any kind of help ;)
EDIT: Made Table: http://prntscr.com/hqon8l
Can I makae faction here? What about functions?
I was reading some tutorials...
I need to put this somewhere: (maybe in some command like /makeleader?)
GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername)); //You still have to create the variable playername
format(string, sizeof(string), "UPDATE `table` SET factionid = %i, rank = %i WHERE Username = %s", pData[playerid][Faction], pData[playerid][Rank], playername); //Updating mysql database with facitonid/rank
mysql_query(string); //Sending the query. Remember, must still create the variable "string"
I need help about Loading system, and create table (need help here too)
I know I maybe asked a lot questions, but if someone can give me right way (at least)
Thanks for any kind of help ;)
EDIT: Made Table: http://prntscr.com/hqon8l
Can I makae faction here? What about functions?