Hi i am Jaber from old frensh section ( RIP ) , i code a gamemode from scratch with a friend and we organize the Gamemode with include , but we have a problem when we reaches more than 8 include they wont load more , i explain :
i need litle help :)
ps : we use 0.3e beacause we script on Gta united and sorry for my bad english :)
PHP Code:
// this load
#include <a_samp>
#include <a_mysql>
#include <sscanf2>
#include "..\RP\configuration.pwn"
#include "..\RP\mysql.pwn"
#include "..\RP\verification_joueur.pwn"
#include "..\RP\connexion\index.pwn"
// this wont load
#include "..\RP\inscription\index.pwn"
ps : we use 0.3e beacause we script on Gta united and sorry for my bad english :)