Hello, so lately i tried to create a command for admins which enables them to bring the players vehicle but it doesnt work, so if you can help me i would be thankful to you :)
it only say "You teleported the vehicle 0 to your current location." so it dont get the vehicle id, i dont know why
it only say "You teleported the vehicle 0 to your current location." so it dont get the vehicle id, i dont know why
if(dialogid == DIALOG_ADMINOPTIONSLIST) { if (response) { new DBResult:locatingResult, locatingQuery[128], resultCount, idstring[48], bool:found, dialogtitle[60], playerwho = playerData[playerid][playerGetStats] ; format(locatingQuery, sizeof(locatingQuery), "SELECT * FROM `vehicles` WHERE `owner` = '%i' LIMIT %i, 1", playerData[playerwho][actualID], listitem); locatingResult = db_query(DB: VEHICLESDB, locatingQuery); resultCount = db_num_rows(locatingResult); if(resultCount > 0) { db_get_field_assoc(locatingResult, "id", idstring, 3); new tvehicleID = strval(idstring); db_get_field_assoc(locatingResult, "modelid", idstring, 3); new vehicleModel = strval(idstring); for(new i; i < MAX_SAVED_VEHICLES; i++) { if (tvehicleID != i) continue; if(i == tvehicleID) { found = true; playerData[playerid][vehicleMenu] = DLParam; format(dialogtitle, sizeof(dialogtitle), "%s's Vehicle: %s", playerData[playerwho][playerNamee], vehicleNames[vehicleModel - 400]); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ADMINVEHICLEOPTIONS, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, dialogtitle, "Bring Vehicle", "OK", "Close"); break; } } if(!found) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "{B7B7B7}[SERVER] {FFFFFF}Unable to find information about that vehicle. This is caused by a bad query to the database."); } } } } |
if(dialogid == DIALOG_ADMINVEHICLEOPTIONS) { if (response) { new i = playerData[playerid][vehicleMenu]; switch(listitem) { case 0: { new Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, message[128]; GetPlayerPos(playerid, fX, fY, fZ); SetVehiclePos(VehicleInfo[i][vehicleID], fX, fY, fZ); SetPlayerPos(playerid, fX, fY, (fZ + 3.0)); new log[250]; format(log, sizeof(log), "%s(%i) has teleported owned vehicle id %i to them", playerData[playerid][tempAdminName], playerid, VehicleInfo[i][vehicleID]); SendAdminText(playerid, log); format(message, sizeof(message), "{FE9A2E}[ADMIN] {FFFFFF}You teleported the vehicle %i to your current location.", VehicleInfo[i][vehicleID]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, message); } } } } |