I made the following code:
It creates the object correctly and lets me edit it but the problem is when saving the object to the new position that does not correctly save the coordinates.
This is the save code in function OnPlayerEditDynamicObject.
+rep To whom I solve it.
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cObjetoToy][0] = modelid;
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cObjetoToy][0] = CreateDynamicObject(VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cToy][0], x,y,z,0.0,0.0,0.0, 0, 0);
ObjetoGuardar[playerid] = 11;
IDObjetoGuardar[playerid] = 0;
EditDynamicObject(playerid, VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cObjetoToy][0]);
It creates the object correctly and lets me edit it but the problem is when saving the object to the new position that does not correctly save the coordinates.
This is the save code in function OnPlayerEditDynamicObject.
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][0] = x;
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][1] = y;
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][2] = z;
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][3] = rx;
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][4] = ry;
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][5] = rz;
SetDynamicObjectPos(objectid, x, y, z);
SetDynamicObjectRot(objectid, rx, ry, rz);
VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cObjetoToy][IDObjetoGuardar[playerid]] = CreateDynamicObject(VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cToy][IDObjetoGuardar[playerid]], VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][0], VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][1], VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][2], VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][3], VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][4], VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cPosToy][5], 0, 0);
AttachDynamicObjectToVehicle(VehiculosInfo[vehicleid][cObjetoToy][IDObjetoGuardar[playerid]], vehicleid, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+rep To whom I solve it.