Well, I've been working on this from a while and I'm proud with these results, A SA-MP Server Control Panel (.exe file). I got some skills in Python so I wanted to make an aplpication which is related to SA-MP And this is what I made.
The 1st version isn't that great, But for sure I'll keep working on it to update it. This version give the admin the ability to ban/kick users without logging in. What will you need? You should put the FTP Details (IP/Host, User Name and Password). How will this even work? Simply the 'Server CP.pwn' file will take care of everything.
Finaly, Please keep the credits. If you spotted a bug or have a suggestion, Explain it in a reply here or just PM me. I'll work on it. Till now I didn't find any bug. And if you are looking for a custom application, Let's have a chat via PMs.
Don't forget to rep. !! Thank you!
Youtube Video
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Pss I suck at creating/editing videos.
How To Install?
You need few includes:After adding these includes to your "Pawno\includes" folder, Simply add this FilterScript to your folder and server settingsAnd then this is the executable file:And the final step is to create a folder with "CPFolder" as a name in your "scriptfiles" folder. Where the objects will be stored.
Note: The application should login at the main server folder "/", This will be improved in the comming updates.
The 1st version isn't that great, But for sure I'll keep working on it to update it. This version give the admin the ability to ban/kick users without logging in. What will you need? You should put the FTP Details (IP/Host, User Name and Password). How will this even work? Simply the 'Server CP.pwn' file will take care of everything.
Finaly, Please keep the credits. If you spotted a bug or have a suggestion, Explain it in a reply here or just PM me. I'll work on it. Till now I didn't find any bug. And if you are looking for a custom application, Let's have a chat via PMs.
Don't forget to rep. !! Thank you!
Youtube Video
Click Me
Pss I suck at creating/editing videos.
How To Install?
You need few includes:After adding these includes to your "Pawno\includes" folder, Simply add this FilterScript to your folder and server settingsAnd then this is the executable file:And the final step is to create a folder with "CPFolder" as a name in your "scriptfiles" folder. Where the objects will be stored.
- SA-MP Team - a_samp.inc
- DracoBlue - Dini.inc
Note: The application should login at the main server folder "/", This will be improved in the comming updates.