Hey there :)
Im using this property FS > http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=31653 .
So it is mentioned to add ResetPlayerPropertyInfo(playerid); into something...i guess my gamemode.
But it is not working. When i quit and rejoins the property will remain as mine unless i /sellproperty it.
And if the owner of the property has quit and when i try to buy that prop it wont say anything just unknown cmd(/buyprop).
I want the player who owned the prop and if he quits the property must be free and another guy can buy it.
So I hope the solution is simple and most of you might know it, then please help me !
Thank you.
Im using this property FS > http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=31653 .
So it is mentioned to add ResetPlayerPropertyInfo(playerid); into something...i guess my gamemode.
But it is not working. When i quit and rejoins the property will remain as mine unless i /sellproperty it.
And if the owner of the property has quit and when i try to buy that prop it wont say anything just unknown cmd(/buyprop).
I want the player who owned the prop and if he quits the property must be free and another guy can buy it.
So I hope the solution is simple and most of you might know it, then please help me !
Thank you.