Anyone can help me i can see the player's messages from discord IG but i dont see the In Game messages in Discord if you understand me is there any way to make the in game messages appear in Discord? I would be thankful if you helped me :)
PHP Code:
new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME + 1];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof name);
if (_:g_WelcomeChannelId == 0)
g_WelcomeChannelId = DCC_FindChannelById("344516361097052161"); // Discord channel ID
new str[128];
format(str, sizeof str, "Player %s joined the server.", name);
DCC_SendChannelMessage(g_WelcomeChannelId, str);
PHP Code:
public DCC_OnChannelMessage(DCC_Channel:channel, const author[], const message[])
new tmp[ 144 ];
format(tmp, sizeof (tmp), "[discord: %s]: {FFFFFF}%s", author, message);
SendClientMessageToAll(-1, tmp);
return true;