I have updated ysi 4.0 but have 2 include my error I want to fix it
Include fuckcleo.inc
2 . Include strlib.inc
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GTA-RP.VN\Windowns2k8\Windowns2k8\pawno\include\strlib.inc(1641) : error 021: symbol already defined: "sprintf"
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GTA-RP.VN\Windowns2k8\Windowns2k8\pawno\include\fuckcleo.inc(55) : warning 219: local variable "using_deprecated_foreach_syntax" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GTA-RP.VN\Windowns2k8\Windowns2k8\pawno\include\fuckcleo.inc(107) : error 017: undefined symbol "OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate"
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\GTA-RP.VN\Windowns2k8\Windowns2k8\pawno\include\fuckcleo.inc(107) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
3 Errors.
* "fuckCleo.inc" - #1 Anti-cleo mod include
* Created/Debugged most by Lorenc_
* Thanks to:
* Cessil, Infamous and [FeK]Drakins, JernejL
/* ** Stop Duplicating Code! ** */
#if defined _fcleo_included
#define _fcleo_included
/* ** Includes ** */
#include < a_samp >
/* ** Configuration ** */
#define FC_FILE_VERSION "0.3.5" // Added the FC_
#define CLEO_FAKEKILL ( 1 )
#define CLEO_CARWARP ( 2 )
#define CLEO_PLAYERBUGGER ( 3 ) // This number will never be called from OnPlayerCleoDetected
#define CLEO_CARSWING ( 4 )
/* ** Variables ** */
Float: E_PB_X, Float: E_PB_Y, Float: E_PB_Z,
static stock
g_cleoData [ MAX_PLAYERS ] [ E_CLEO_DATA ],
bool: FC_OPU,
bool: FC_OPD,
bool: FC_OPSC,
bool: FC_OVDSU,
bool: FC_OPDC
/* ** Forwards ** */
forward OnPlayerCleoDetected ( playerid, cleoid );
forward fc_RepairVehicle ( vehicleid );
public fc_RepairVehicle( vehicleid )
#if defined _FOREACH_LOCAL_VERSION // I guess this is always defined in foreach.inc
foreach(Player, playerid)
if( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) == vehicleid ) {
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_SPAMCOUNT ] = 0;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_TICK ] = 0;
for( new playerid; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++ )
if( IsPlayerConnected( playerid ) )
if( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) == vehicleid ) {
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_SPAMCOUNT ] = 0;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_TICK ] = 0;
return RepairVehicle( vehicleid );
#define RepairVehicle fc_RepairVehicle
public OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate( vehicleid, playerid )
static fc_tires, fc_lights;
GetVehicleDamageStatus( vehicleid, fc_lights, fc_tires, fc_lights, fc_tires );
if( GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER )
if( fc_lights || fc_tires )
return 1;
new time = GetTickCount( );
switch( time - g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_TICK ] )
case 0 .. 500:
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_SPAMCOUNT ] ++;
if( g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_SPAMCOUNT ] >= 10 )
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCleoDetected", "dd", playerid, CLEO_CAR_PARTICLE_SPAM );
return 1;
default: g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_SPAMCOUNT ] = 0;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_TICK ] = time;
return ( FC_OVDSU ) ? CallLocalFunction( "FC_OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate", "dd", vehicleid, playerid ) : 1;
#if defined ALS_OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate
#undef OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate
#define ALS_OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate
#define OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate FC_OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate
forward FC_OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate( vehicleid, playerid );
public OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate )
if( newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER )
if( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ) != g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CW_VEHID ] )
if( g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CW_TIME ] > gettime( ) )
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCleoDetected", "dd", playerid, CLEO_CARWARP );
return 1;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CW_TIME ] = gettime( ) + 1;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CW_VEHID ] = GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid );
return ( FC_OPSC ) ? CallLocalFunction( "FC_OnPlayerStateChange", "ddd", playerid, newstate, oldstate ) : 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange
#undef OnPlayerStateChange
#define _ALS_OnPlayerStateChange
#define OnPlayerStateChange FC_OnPlayerStateChange
forward FC_OnPlayerStateChange( playerid, newstate, oldstate );
public OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason )
new time = gettime( );
switch( time - g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_FK_LASTDEATH ] )
case 0 .. 3:
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_FK_DEATHSPAM ] ++;
if( g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_FK_DEATHSPAM ] >= 3 )
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCleoDetected", "dd", playerid, CLEO_FAKEKILL );
return 1;
default: g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_FK_DEATHSPAM ] = 0;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_FK_LASTDEATH ] = time;
return ( FC_OPD ) ? CallLocalFunction( "FC_OnPlayerDeath", "ddd", playerid, killerid, reason ) : 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDeath
#undef OnPlayerDeath
#define _ALS_OnPlayerDeath
#define OnPlayerDeath FC_OnPlayerDeath
forward FC_OnPlayerDeath( playerid, killerid, reason );
public OnPlayerUpdate( playerid )
Float: X, Float: Y, Float: Z,
Float: vX, Float: vY, Float: vZ
GetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y, Z );
if( X >= 99999.0 || Y >= 99999.0 || Z >= 99999.0 || X <= -99999.0 || Y <= -99999.0 || Z <= -99999.0 ) {
SendClientMessage( playerid, 0xa9c4e4ff, "Warning: Excessive X, Y, Z has been breached thus last location set." );
SetPlayerPos( playerid, g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_PB_X ], g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_PB_Y ], g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_PB_Z ] );
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_PB_X ] = X;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_PB_Y ] = Y;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_PB_Z ] = Z;
if( IsPlayerInAnyVehicle( playerid ) && GetPlayerState( playerid ) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER )
GetPlayerPos( playerid, X, Y, Z );
GetVehicleVelocity( GetPlayerVehicleID( playerid ), vX, vY, vZ );
if( ( vX > 3.0 || vY > 3.0 || vZ > 3.0 || vX < -3.0 || vY < -3.0 || vZ < -3.0 ) && ( vX != X && vY != Y && vZ != Z ) )
CallLocalFunction( "OnPlayerCleoDetected", "dd", playerid, CLEO_CARSWING );
return ( FC_OPU ) ? CallLocalFunction( "FC_OnPlayerUpdate", "d", playerid ) : 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
#undef OnPlayerUpdate
#define _ALS_OnPlayerUpdate
#define OnPlayerUpdate FC_OnPlayerUpdate
forward FC_OnPlayerUpdate( playerid );
public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason)
// Pointless reseting, but just incase!
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_FK_LASTDEATH ] = 0;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_FK_DEATHSPAM ] = 0;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CW_TIME ] = 0;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CW_VEHID ] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_PB_X ] = -1;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_PB_Y ] = -1;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_PB_Z ] = -1;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_SPAMCOUNT ] = 0;
g_cleoData[ playerid ] [ E_CPS_TICK ] = 0;
return ( FC_OPDC ) ? CallLocalFunction( "FC_OnPlayerDisconnect", "dd", playerid, reason ) : 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
#undef OnPlayerDisconnect
#define _ALS_OnPlayerDisconnect
#define OnPlayerDisconnect FC_OnPlayerDisconnect
forward FC_OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason );
#if !defined FILTERSCRIPT
public OnGameModeInit()
FC_OPU = ( funcidx( "FC_OnPlayerUpdate" ) != -1 );
FC_OPD = ( funcidx( "FC_OnPlayerDeath" ) != -1 );
FC_OPSC = ( funcidx( "FC_OnPlayerStateChange" ) != -1 );
FC_OPDC = ( funcidx( "FC_OnPlayerDisconnect" ) != -1 );
FC_OVDSU = ( funcidx( "FC_OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate" ) != -1 );
return ( funcidx( "FC_OnGameModeInit" ) != -1 ) ? CallLocalFunction( "FC_OnGameModeInit", "" ) : 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnGameModeInit
#undef OnGameModeInit
#define _ALS_OnGameModeInit
#define OnGameModeInit FC_OnGameModeInit
forward FC_OnGameModeInit();
public OnFilterScriptInit()
FC_OPU = ( funcidx( "FC_OnPlayerUpdate" ) != -1 );
FC_OPD = ( funcidx( "FC_OnPlayerDeath" ) != -1 );
FC_OPSC = ( funcidx( "FC_OnPlayerStateChange" ) != -1 );
FC_OPDC = ( funcidx( "FC_OnPlayerDisconnect" ) != -1 );
FC_OVDSU = ( funcidx( "FC_OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate" ) != -1 );
return ( funcidx( "FC_OnFilterScriptInit" ) != -1 ) ? CallLocalFunction( "FC_OnFilterScriptInit", "" ) : 1;
#if defined _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
#undef OnFilterScriptInit
#define _ALS_OnFilterScriptInit
#define OnFilterScriptInit FC_OnFilterScriptInit
forward FC_OnFilterScriptInit();
#include <a_samp>
#if defined __fmt_funcinc
#if !defined FormatSpecifier
#error Please include formatex before strlib.
// Used in strtrim (deprecated)
enum trim_edges {
trim_left = 1,
trim_right = 2,
trim_both = trim_left | trim_right
// Used in strtrim and strpad
enum string_edges {
edge_left = 1,
edge_right = 2,
edge_both = edge_left | edge_right
* Returns a formatted string.
* Parameters:
* fmat[] - The format string.
* ... - The format variables.
* Returns:
* The formatted string.
forward sprintf(const fmat[], {Float, _}:...);
* Get the first character of a string
* Parameters:
* string[] - The string.
* Returns:
* The first character of the string.
forward strgetfirstc(const string[]);
* Get a character from a specific index in a string.
* Parameters:
* string[] - The string.
* index - The position in the string.
* Returns:
* The character at that index, or '\0' if out of range.
forward strgetc(const string[], index);
* Get the size of a string.
* Parameters:
* string[] - The string.
* Returns:
* The size of the string, in bytes.
forward strsize(const string[]);
* Find out if a string is empty.
* Parameters:
* string[] - The string.
* Returns:
* True if empty, otherwise false.
forward bool:isempty(const string[]);
* Compare two strings.
* Parameters:
* str1[] - The first string.
* str2[] - The second string.
* ignorecase - Whether to compare them in a case-insensitive manner.
* Returns:
* True if equal, otherwise false.
forward bool:isequal(const str1[], const str2[], bool:ignorecase = false);
* Split a string by a given delimiter.
* Parameters:
* output[][] - A multi-dimensional array that will be filled with substrings.
* input[] - The input string to split.
* delimiter[] - The delimiter to split by. Defaults to ",".
* limit - The max. no. substrings.
* trim - Whether to trim the substrings from whitespace. Defaults to true.
* ignorecase - Whether the search for "delimiter" should be case-insensitive.
* size1 - The size of the 1st dimension of output (otput[this][]). Defaults to sizeof(output).
* size2 - The size of the 2nd dimension of output (otput[][this]). Defaults to sizeof(output[]).
* Returns:
* The number of substrings that were copied into the array.
forward strexplode(output[][], const input[], const delimiter[] = !",", limit = cellmax, bool:trim = true, bool:ignorecase = false, size1 = sizeof(output), size2 = sizeof(output[]));
* Glue together strings into one.
* Parameters:
* glue[] - The string that will be between all other strings.
* output[] - The output string.
* maxlength - The size of "output". Defaults to sizeof(output).
* ...[] - Strings to glue together.
* Returns:
* Nothing
forward strimplode(const glue[], output[], maxlength = sizeof(output), ...);
* Replace occurrences of the search string with the replacement string.
* Parameters:
* string[] - The string to perform the replacing in.
* search[] - The string to look for.
* replacement[] - The string to put instead of "search".
* ignorecase - Whether the search for "search" should be case-insensitive. Defaults to false.
* pos - The position to start at. Defaults to 0 (the beginning).
* limit - Limit the number of replacements. Defaults to -1 (no limit).
* maxlength - The size of "string". Defaults to sizeof(string).
* Returns:
* The number of replacements that were made.
forward strreplace(string[], const search[], const replacement[], bool:ignorecase = false, pos = 0, limit = -1, maxlength = sizeof(string));
* Trim whitespace or a specific group of characters from a string.
* Parameters:
* string[] - The string to trim.
* chars[] - A string with characters to trim, or all whitespace if empty. Default is all whitespace.
* edge - The edge(s) to trim (edge_left/edge_right/edge_both). Default is edge_both.
* Returns:
* Nothing
forward strtrim(string[], const chars[] = !"", string_edges:edge = edge_both);
* Pad edge(s) of a string with spaces.
* Parameters:
* string[] - The string to pad.
* length - The new length of the string.
* substr[] - The substring to pad with. Defaults to a space (" ").
* edge - The edge(s) to pad (edge_left/edge_right/edge_both). Default is edge_both.
* trim_first - Whether to trim the string before padding.
* trim_chars[] - The chars to trim, defaults is all whitespace.
* maxlength - The size of "string". Defaults to sizeof(string).
* input - Used internally.
forward strpad(string[], length, const substr[] = !" ", string_edges:edge = edge_both, bool:trim_first = true, const trim_chars[] = !"", maxlength = sizeof(string), const input[] = !"");
* Wrap a string inside two other strings.
* Parameters:
* left[] - The string on the left side.
* string[] - The middle string that will be modified.
* right[] - The string on the right side.
* maxlength - The size of "string". Defaults to sizeof(string).
forward strwrap(const left[], string[], const right[], maxlength = sizeof(string));
* Count substrings.
* Parameters:
* string[] - The string to search inside.
* sub[] - The string to search for.
* ignorecase - Whether the search should be case-insensitive.
* count_overlapped - Whether to count overlapping strings ("abcabc" in "abcabcabc" will count 2 instead of 1).
* Returns:
* The number of occurrences of "sub" in "string".
forward strcount(const string[], const sub[], bool:ignorecase = false, bool:count_overlapped = false);
* Read a string from a PAWN string literal.
* Parameters:
* output[] - The variable to save into.
* input[] - The string literal.
* pos - The position in "input" to start reading from. Will be modified to the end of the literal.
* maxlength - The size of "output". Defaults to sizeof(output).
* Returns:
* true on success, false on error.
forward bool:strfromliteral(output[], const input[], &pos = 0, maxlength = sizeof(output));
* Build a PAWN string literal from a given string.
* Parameters:
* output[] - The variable to save into.
* substrings[] - The string to build from.
* maxlength - The size of "output". Defaults to sizeof(output).
* Returns:
* Nothing
forward strtoliteral(output[], const input[], maxlength = sizeof(output), bool:paranoid = true);
* Convert an array to a string.
* Example: {0x1122, 0x5566} becomes "0000112200005566".
* Parameters:
* output[] - The variable to save into.
* input[] - The array to build from.
* inputlength - The size of "input". Defaults to sizeof(input).
* maxlength - The size of "output". Defaults to sizeof(output).
* Returns:
* Nothing
forward strfrombin(output[], const input[], inputlength = sizeof(input), maxlength = sizeof(output));
* Convert a string to an array.
* Example: "0000112200005566" becomes {0x1122, 0x5566}.
* Parameters:
* output[] - The variable to save into.
* input[] - The array to build from.
* maxlength - The size of "output". Defaults to sizeof(output).
* Returns:
* The length of the output, in cells.
forward strtobin(output[], const input[], maxlength = sizeof(output));
* Concatenate one string with a part of another.
* Parameters:
* dest[] - The variable to concatenate the other part with.
* source[] - The string to extract from.
* start - The start offset, defaults to 0.
* end - The start offset, defaults to end of string.
* maxlength - The size of "dest". Defaults to sizeof(dest).
forward strcatmid(dest[], const source[], start = 0, end = -1, maxlength = sizeof(dest));
* UTF-8 encode a string. Characters above 127 will be encoded into
* two or more characters.
* Parameters:
* dest[] - The output variable.
* source[] - The string to encode.
* maxlength - The size of "dest". Defaults to sizeof(dest).
forward utf8encode(dest[], const source[], maxlength = sizeof(dest));
* UTF-8 decode a string. UTF-8 characters will be collapsed into single
* characters in the array.
* Parameters:
* dest[] - The output variable.
* source[] - The string to encode.
* maxlength - The size of "dest". Defaults to sizeof(dest).
forward utf8decode(dest[], const source[], maxlength = sizeof(dest));
* Decode an encoded URL.
* Parameters:
* output[] - The output variable.
* input[] - The string to decode.
* maxlength - The size of "output". Defaults to sizeof(output).
forward strurldecode(output[], const input[], maxlength = sizeof(output));
* URL encode a string.
* Parameters:
* output[] - The output variable.
* input[] - The string to encode.
* maxlength - The size of "output". Defaults to sizeof(output).
* pack - Whether to pack the output. Defaults to false.
forward strurlencode(output[], const input[], maxlength = sizeof(output), bool:pack = false);
// Same as above, but output is returned
forward ret_strcatmid(const string[], const source[], start = 0, end = -1);
forward ret_strfrombin(const input[], inputlength = sizeof(input));
forward ret_strimplode(const glue[], ...);
forward ret_strreplace(const string[], const search[], const replacement[], bool:ignorecase = false, pos = 0, limit = -1);
forward ret_strfromliteral(const input[], &pos = 0);
forward ret_strtoliteral(const input[], bool:paranoid = true);
forward ret_strtrim(const string[], const chars[] = !"", string_edges:edge = edge_both);
forward ret_strpad(const string[], length, const substr[] = !" ", string_edges:edge = edge_both, bool:trim_first = true, const trim_chars[] = !"");
forward ret_strwrap(const left[], const string[], const right[]);
forward ret_strurldecode(const input[]);
forward ret_strurlencode(const input[], bool:pack = false);
forward ret_utf8encode(const input[]);
forward ret_utf8decode(const input[]);
// Return from native functions
forward ret_strpack(const source[]);
forward ret_strunpack(const source[]);
forward ret_strcat(const string1[], const string2[]);
forward ret_strmid(const source[], start, end);
forward ret_strins(const string[], const substr[], pos, maxlength = sizeof(string));
forward ret_strdel(const string[], start, end);
forward ret_valstr(value, bool:pack = false);
forward ret_GetPlayerName(playerid, bool:pack = false);
// Used throughout the library
// Workaround for compiler bug
forward _strlib_funcinc();
public _strlib_funcinc() {
new temp[1];
format(!"", 0, !"");
strcat(temp, temp);
strpack(temp, temp);
strunpack(temp, temp);
// Internal functions
static stock RedirectArgument(arg, ...) {
#emit LOAD.S.pri 0
#emit ADD.C 12
#emit LOAD.S.alt arg
#emit SHL.C.alt 2
#emit ADD
#emit MOVE.alt
#emit LOAD.S.pri 16
#emit STOR.I
static stock CopyArgumentToHeap(arg, bool:pack = false, const argptr[] = "") {
new arg_address, address;
#emit LOAD.S.pri 0
#emit ADD.C 12
#emit LOAD.S.alt arg
#emit SHL.C.alt 2
#emit ADD
#emit LOAD.I
#emit STOR.S.pri arg_address
#emit STOR.S.pri argptr
if (pack) {
new bytes = ((strlen(argptr) + 1 + 3) / 4) * 4;
#emit LCTRL 2
#emit STOR.S.pri address
#emit LOAD.S.alt bytes
#emit ADD
#emit SCTRL 2
//strpack(dest[], const source[], maxlength = sizeof dest)
#emit LOAD.S.pri bytes
#emit SHR.C.pri 2
#emit PUSH.pri
#emit PUSH.S arg_address
#emit PUSH.S address
#emit PUSH.C 12
#emit SYSREQ.C strpack
#emit STACK 16
} else {
new bytes = (strlen(argptr) + 1) * 4;
#emit LCTRL 2
#emit STOR.S.pri address
#emit LOAD.S.alt bytes
#emit ADD
#emit SCTRL 2
//strunpack(dest[], const source[], maxlength = sizeof dest)
#emit LOAD.S.pri bytes
#emit SHR.C.pri 2
#emit PUSH.pri
#emit PUSH.S arg_address
#emit PUSH.S address
#emit PUSH.C 12
#emit SYSREQ.C strunpack
#emit STACK 16
#emit LOAD.S.pri 0
#emit ADD.C 12
#emit LOAD.S.alt arg
#emit SHL.C.alt 2
#emit ADD
#emit MOVE.alt
#emit LOAD.S.pri address
#emit STOR.I
return address;
static stock RestoreHeapToAddress(address) {
#emit LOAD.S.pri address
#emit SCTRL 2
static stock IsOverlapping(const str1[], size1 = sizeof(str1), const str2[], size2 = sizeof(str2)) {
new addr1, addr2;
if (size1 == -1) {
size1 = strsize(str1);
} else {
size1 *= 4;
if (size2 == -1) {
size2 = strsize(str2);
} else {
size2 *= 4;
#emit LOAD.S.pri str1
#emit STOR.S.pri addr1
#emit LOAD.S.pri str2
#emit STOR.S.pri addr2
return (addr1 < addr2 + size2) && (addr2 < addr1 + size1);
// strlib functions
#define ispacked(%1) \
((%1)[0] > 255)
stock strgetfirstc(const string[]) {
return ispacked(string) ? string{0} : string[0];
stock strgetc(const string[], index) {
if (index < 0)
return '\0';
new len = strlen(string);
if (index >= len)
return '\0';
return ispacked(string) ? string{index} : string[index];
stock strsize(const string[]) {
new len = strlen(string);
if (ispacked(string))
return len + 1;
return (len + 1) * 4;
stock bool:isempty(const string[]) {
if (ispacked(string))
return string{0} == '\0';
return string[0] == '\0';
stock bool:isequal(const str1[], const str2[], bool:ignorecase = false) {
c1 = (str1[0] > 255) ? str1{0} : str1[0],
c2 = (str2[0] > 255) ? str2{0} : str2[0]
if (!c1 != !c2)
return false;
return !strcmp(str1, str2, ignorecase);
stock strimplode(const glue[], output[], maxlength = sizeof(output), ...) {
new args = numargs();
// Null-out "output"
output[0] = '\0';
// Loop the variable arguments (the ones after "maxlength").
for (new arg = 3; arg < args; arg++) {
// If this isn't the first string, append the glue.
if (arg != 3)
strcat(output, glue, maxlength);
// Wrap these in braces or they will be a part of the above if statement (compiler bug)
// Get the address of argument no. <arg>
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit ADD.C 12
#emit LOAD.S.alt arg
#emit SHL.C.alt 2
#emit ADD
#emit LOAD.I
// Push the maxlength, arg address, and output address
#emit PUSH.S maxlength
#emit PUSH.pri
#emit PUSH.S output
// Push the argument count
#emit PUSH.C 12
// call strcat
#emit SYSREQ.C strcat
// Restore the stack
#emit STACK 16
stock strexplode(output[][], const input[], const delimiter[] = !",", limit = cellmax, bool:trim = true, bool:ignorecase = false, size1 = sizeof(output), size2 = sizeof(output[])) {
if (!size1 || !size2) {
printf("(strexplode) ERROR: size1 = %d, size2 = %d. Can't be 0.", size1, size2);
return 0;
if (isempty(delimiter)) {
print(!"(strexplode) ERROR: delimiter is empty.");
return 0;
if (trim) {
new i = -1;
if (ispacked(input)) {
while (input{++i}) {
if (input{i} > ' ') {
i = -1;
} else {
while (input[++i]) {
if (input[i] > ' ') {
i = -1;
if (i != -1)
return 0;
} else if (isempty(input)) {
return 0;
if (limit == 0) {
return 0;
} else if (limit == cellmax) {
limit = 0;
pos = 0,
bool:packed = ispacked(input),
dlen = strlen(delimiter),
count = 0,
while (pos != -1) {
if (limit > 0 && count >= limit) {
next = -1;
} else {
next = strfind(input, delimiter, ignorecase, pos);
end = (next == -1) ? cellmax : next;
if (trim) {
if (end == cellmax)
end = strlen(input);
if (packed) {
while (0 < input{pos} <= ' ') pos++;
while (end > 0 && input{end - 1} <= ' ') end--;
} else {
while (0 < input[pos] <= ' ') pos++;
while (end > 0 && input[end - 1] <= ' ') end--;
strmid(output[count - 1], input, pos, end, size2);
if (count >= size1 || next == -1 || (limit < 0 && count >= -limit))
pos = next + dlen;
return count;
stock strreplace(string[], const search[], const replacement[], bool:ignorecase = false, pos = 0, limit = -1, maxlength = sizeof(string)) {
// No need to do anything if the limit is 0.
if (limit == 0)
return 0;
sublen = strlen(search),
replen = strlen(replacement),
bool:packed = ispacked(string),
maxlen = maxlength,
len = strlen(string),
count = 0
// "maxlen" holds the max string length (not to be confused with "maxlength", which holds the max. array size).
// Since packed strings hold 4 characters per array slot, we multiply "maxlen" by 4.
if (packed)
maxlen *= 4;
// If the length of the substring is 0, we have nothing to look for..
if (!sublen)
return 0;
// In this line we both assign the return value from "strfind" to "pos" then check if it's -1.
while (-1 != (pos = strfind(string, search, ignorecase, pos))) {
// Delete the string we found
strdel(string, pos, pos + sublen);
len -= sublen;
// If there's anything to put as replacement, insert it. Make sure there's enough room first.
if (replen && len + replen < maxlen) {
strins(string, replacement, pos, maxlength);
pos += replen;
len += replen;
// Is there a limit of number of replacements, if so, did we break it?
if (limit != -1 && ++count >= limit)
return count;
stock strtrim(string[], const chars[] = !"", string_edges:edge = edge_both) {
new bool:packed = ispacked(string);
// If "chars" is empty, trim whitespace
if (!strgetfirstc(chars)) {
// Should the left side be trimmed?
if (edge & edge_left) {
new i = 0;
if (packed)
while (0 < string{i} <= ' ') i++;
while (0 < string[i] <= ' ') i++;
if (i) {
strdel(string, 0, i);
// Should the right side be trimmed?
if (edge & edge_right) {
new i = strlen(string);
if (i) {
if (packed) {
while (--i && 0 < string{i} <= ' ') {}
string{i + 1} = '\0';
} else {
while (--i && 0 < string[i] <= ' ') {}
string[i + 1] = '\0';
} else {
// Should the left side be trimmed?
if (edge & edge_left) {
new i = 0, sub[2];
if (packed) {
while ((sub[0] = string{i})) {
if (strfind(chars, sub) == -1)
if (i) {
strdel(string, 0, i);
} else {
while ((sub[0] = string[i])) {
if (strfind(chars, sub) == -1)
if (i) strdel(string, 0, i);
// Should the right side be trimmed?
if (edge & edge_right) {
new i = strlen(string), sub[2];
if (i >= 0) {
if (packed) {
while (i--) {
sub[0] = string{i};
if (strfind(chars, sub) == -1)
string{i + 1} = '\0';
} else {
while (i--) {
sub[0] = string[i];
if (strfind(chars, sub) == -1)
string[i + 1] = '\0';
stock strpad(string[], length, const substr[] = !" ", string_edges:edge = edge_both, bool:trim_first = true, const trim_chars[] = !"", maxlength = sizeof(string), const input[] = !"") {
if (trim_first) {
strtrim(string, trim_chars, edge);
length_left = 0,
length_right = 0,
len = strlen(string),
sublen = strlen(substr),
bool:subpacked = ispacked(substr)
if (len > length)
length -= len;
// Make "input" a pointer to "string"
#emit LOAD.S.pri string
#emit STOR.S.pri input
// Copy "input" to the heap so it won't be linked to "string" anymore.
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(7);
string[0] = '\0';
len = 0;
switch (edge) {
case edge_left:
length_left = length;
case edge_right:
length_right = length;
length_left = length / 2, length_right = length - length_left;
if (length_left) {
while (len < length_left) {
if (subpacked)
strcat(string, substr, length_left * 4);
strcat(string, substr, length_left + 1);
len += sublen;
if (subpacked)
string{length_left} = 0;
strcat(string, input, maxlength);
if (length_right) {
len = strlen(string);
length_right += len;
packed = ispacked(string);
while (len < length_right) {
if (packed)
strcat(string, substr, length_right / 4 + 1);
strcat(string, substr, length_right + 1);
len += sublen;
if (packed)
string{length_right + 1} = 0;
stock strwrap(const left[], string[], const right[], maxlength = sizeof(string)) {
strins(string, left, 0, maxlength);
strcat(string, right, maxlength);
stock strcount(const string[], const sub[], bool:ignorecase = false, bool:count_overlapped = false) {
increment = count_overlapped ? 1 : strlen(sub),
pos = -increment,
count = 0
while (-1 != (pos = strfind(string, sub, ignorecase, pos + increment)))
return count;
stock bool:strfromliteral(output[], const input[], &pos = 0, maxlength = sizeof(output)) {
length = strlen(input),
outlen = 0,
heap = 0
// No need to do anything else.
if (!length)
return true;
if (IsOverlapping(output, maxlength, input, -1))
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(1);
output[0] = '\0';
if (input[0] == '"')
for (;; pos++) {
if (outlen >= maxlength - 1 || pos >= length)
c = input[pos];
switch (c) {
// String ended
case '"': break;
case '\\': {}
default: {
output[outlen++] = c;
// String ends with a backslash - invalid.
if (pos == length - 1)
goto return_false;
// We're after a backslash now, let's see what's there.
c = input[++pos];
switch (c) {
case '"',
'%': output[outlen++] = c;
case 'a': output[outlen++] = '\a';
case 'b': output[outlen++] = '\b';
case 'e': output[outlen++] = '\e';
case 'f': output[outlen++] = '\f';
case 'r': output[outlen++] = '\r';
case 'n': output[outlen++] = '\n';
case 't': output[outlen++] = '\t';
case 'v': output[outlen++] = '\v';
case 'x': {
new val = 0;
// String ends with "\x" - invalid.
if (c == length - 1)
goto return_false;
while ((c = input[pos + 1])) {
if ('a' <= c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c <= 'F') {
val = (val << 4) + (tolower(c) - 'a' + 10);
} else if ('0' <= c <= '9') {
val = (val << 4) + (c - '0');
} else {
if (c == ';')
output[outlen++] = val;
case '0' .. '9': {
new val = 0;
while ((c = input[pos])) {
if ('0' <= c <= '9') {
val = val * 10 + (c - '0');
} else {
if (c != ';') pos--;
output[outlen++] = val;
default: {
goto return_false;
output[outlen] = '\0';
new bool:ret = true;
goto return_true;
ret = false;
if (heap)
return ret;
stock strtoliteral(output[], const input[], maxlength = sizeof(output), bool:paranoid = true) {
new i, c, outlen, heap = 0;
if (IsOverlapping(output, maxlength, input, -1))
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(1);
output[outlen++] = '"';
for (i = 0; (c = input[i]); i++) {
if (maxlength - outlen <= 3) {
outlen = min(outlen, maxlength - 2);
switch (c) {
case ' ', '!', '#' .. '[', ']', '^' .. '~':
output[outlen++] = c;
case '"': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\\"", 3), outlen += 2;
case '\a': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\a" , 3), outlen += 2;
case '\b': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\b" , 3), outlen += 2;
case '\e': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\e" , 3), outlen += 2;
case '\f': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\f" , 3), outlen += 2;
case '\r': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\r" , 3), outlen += 2;
case '\n': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\n" , 3), outlen += 2;
case '\t': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\t" , 3), outlen += 2;
case '\v': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\v" , 3), outlen += 2;
case '\\': strunpack(output[outlen], !"\\\\" , 3), outlen += 2;
default: {
if (!paranoid && 0x80 <= c <= 0xFF) {
output[outlen++] = c;
if (maxlength - outlen <= 8)
format(output[outlen], 7, "\\x%03x;", c);
outlen += 6;
output[outlen++] = '"';
output[outlen] = '\0';
if (heap)
stock strfrombin(output[], const input[], inputlength = sizeof(input), maxlength = sizeof(output)) {
static const hex_chars[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
new outlen = 0, heap = 0;
if (IsOverlapping(output, maxlength, input, -1))
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(1);
for (new i = 0; i < inputlength; i++) {
if (maxlength - outlen <= 7) {
outlen = min(outlen, maxlength - 1);
new input_cell = input[i];
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[(input_cell ) >>> 28];
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[(input_cell & 0x0F000000) >>> 24];
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[(input_cell & 0x00F00000) >>> 20];
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[(input_cell & 0x000F0000) >>> 16];
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[(input_cell & 0x0000F000) >>> 12];
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[(input_cell & 0x00000F00) >>> 8];
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[(input_cell & 0x000000F0) >>> 4];
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[(input_cell & 0x0000000F) ];
output[outlen] = '\0';
if (heap)
stock strtobin(output[], const input[], maxlength = sizeof(output)) {
new len = strlen(input), outlen = 0, heap = 0;
if (IsOverlapping(output, maxlength, input, -1))
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(1);
for (new i = 0; i < len;) {
if (outlen >= maxlength || i > len - 8) {
new c, out = 0;
#define ADD_OUT(%1) \
c = input[i++]; out |= (('a' <= c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c <= 'F') ? (tolower(c) - 'a' + 10) : (c - '0')) << %1
#undef ADD_OUT
output[outlen++] = out;
if (heap)
return outlen;
stock strurlencode(output[], const input[], maxlength = sizeof(output), bool:pack = false) {
static const hex_chars[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
len = strlen(input),
bool:packed = ispacked(input),
outlen = 0,
heap = 0
if (IsOverlapping(output, maxlength, input, -1))
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(1, packed);
if (pack)
maxlength *= 4;
for (new i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (maxlength - outlen <= 1)
new c = packed ? input{i} : input[i];
switch (c) {
case 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9', '_': {
if (pack)
output{outlen++} = c;
output[outlen++] = c;
case ' ': {
if (pack)
output{outlen++} = '+';
output[outlen++] = '+';
default: {
if (maxlength - outlen <= 3)
if (pack) {
output{outlen++} = '%';
output{outlen++} = hex_chars[(c & 0xF0) >>> 4];
output{outlen++} = hex_chars[c & 0x0F];
} else {
output[outlen++] = '%';
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[(c & 0xF0) >>> 4];
output[outlen++] = hex_chars[c & 0x0F];
if (pack)
output{outlen} = '\0';
output[outlen] = '\0';
if (heap)
stock strurldecode(output[], const input[], maxlength = sizeof(output)) {
new prev_pos = 0, pos = 0, inputlen = strlen(input), len, heap = 0;
if (IsOverlapping(output, maxlength, input, -1))
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(1);
output[0] = '\0';
while (-1 != (pos = strfind(input, "%", _, pos))) {
static str[2];
new c;
if (prev_pos != pos) {
len = strlen(output);
strcatmid(output, input, prev_pos, pos, maxlength);
strreplace(output, "+", " ", _, len, _, maxlength);
if (inputlen < pos + 3)
goto func_end;
str[0] = 0;
c = input[pos + 1]; str[0] |= (('a' <= c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c <= 'F') ? (tolower(c) - 'a' + 10) : (c - '0')) << 4;
c = input[pos + 2]; str[0] |= (('a' <= c <= 'f' || 'A' <= c <= 'F') ? (tolower(c) - 'a' + 10) : (c - '0'));
strcat(output, str, maxlength);
prev_pos = (pos += 3);
len = strlen(output);
strcatmid(output, input, prev_pos, _, maxlength);
strreplace(output, "+", " ", _, len, _, maxlength);
if (heap)
stock strcatmid(dest[], const source[], start = 0, end = -1, maxlength = sizeof(dest)) {
new heap = 0;
if (IsOverlapping(dest, maxlength, source, -1))
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(1);
if (start == 0 && end == -1) {
strcat(dest, source, maxlength);
} else {
if (end == -1)
end = strlen(source);
if (ispacked(dest)) {
new len = strlen(dest);
if (ispacked(source)) {
strunpack(g_StrlibBuffer, source);
strcat(dest, g_StrlibBuffer[start], min(maxlength, (len + end - start) / 4 + 1));
} else {
strcat(dest, source[start], min(maxlength, (len + end - start) / 4 + 1));
dest{len + end - start} = '\0';
} else {
if (ispacked(source)) {
strunpack(g_StrlibBuffer, source);
strcat(dest, g_StrlibBuffer[start], min(maxlength, strlen(dest) + end - start + 1));
} else {
strcat(dest, source[start], min(maxlength, strlen(dest) + end - start + 1));
if (heap)
stock utf8encode(dest[], const source[], maxlength = sizeof(dest)) {
new heap = 0;
if (IsOverlapping(dest, maxlength, source, -1)) {
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(1);
new len = strlen(source);
new packed = ispacked(source);
dest[0] = '\0';
new idx = 0;
for (new i = 0; i < len; i++) {
new c = packed ? source{i} : source[i];
if (c >= 0x80) {
if (c > 0x4000000) {
// 6 byte
dest[idx++] = 0b11111100 | ((c >>> 30) & 0b00000001);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 24) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 18) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 12) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 6) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | (c & 0b00111111);
} else if (c > 0x200000) {
// 5 byte
dest[idx++] = 0b11111000 | ((c >>> 24) & 0b00000011);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 18) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 12) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 6) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | (c & 0b00111111);
} else if (c > 0x10000) {
// 4 byte
dest[idx++] = 0b11110000 | ((c >>> 18) & 0b00000111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 12) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 6) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | (c & 0b00111111);
} else if (c > 0x800) {
// 3 byte
dest[idx++] = 0b11100000 | ((c >>> 12) & 0b00001111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | ((c >>> 6) & 0b00111111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | (c & 0b00111111);
} else {
// 2 byte
dest[idx++] = 0b11000000 | ((c >>> 6) & 0b00011111);
dest[idx++] = 0b10000000 | (c & 0b00111111);
} else if (c > 0) {
dest[idx++] = c;
dest[idx++] = '\0';
if (heap) {
stock utf8decode(dest[], const source[], maxlength = sizeof(dest)) {
new heap = 0;
if (IsOverlapping(dest, maxlength, source, -1)) {
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(1);
new len = strlen(source);
dest[0] = '\0';
new idx = 0;
for (new i = 0; i < len; i++) {
new c = source[i];
if (c & 0b10000000) {
if (c & 0b11100000 == 0b11000000) {
// 2 byte
if (i + 3 >= len) continue;
dest[idx++] = (c & 0b00011111) << 6 | (source[++i] & 0b00111111);
} else if (c & 0b11110000 == 0b11100000) {
// 3 byte
if (i + 4 >= len) continue;
dest[idx++] = (c & 0b00001111) << 12 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 6 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111);
} else if (c & 0b11111000 == 0b11110000) {
// 4 byte
if (i + 5 >= len) continue;
dest[idx++] = (c & 0b00000111) << 18 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 12 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 6 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111);
} else if (c & 0b11111100 == 0b11111000) {
// 5 byte
if (i + 6 >= len) continue;
dest[idx++] = (c & 0b00000011) << 24 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 18 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 12 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 6 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111);
} else if (c & 0b11111110 == 0b11111100) {
// 6 byte
if (i + 7 >= len) continue;
dest[idx++] = (c & 0b00000001) << 30 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 24 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 18 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 12 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111) << 6 |
(source[++i] & 0b00111111);
} else {
dest[idx++] = c;
dest[idx++] = 0;
if (heap) {
stock ret_strcatmid(const string[], const source[], start = 0, end = -1) {
strcat(output, string);
strcatmid(output, source, start, end);
return output;
stock ret_strfrombin(const input[], inputlength = sizeof(input)) {
strfrombin(output, input, inputlength);
return output;
stock ret_strimplode(const glue[], ...) {
const maxlength = sizeof(output);
new args = numargs();
// Loop the variable arguments (the ones after "maxlength").
for (new arg = 1; arg < args; arg++) {
// If this isn't the first string, append the glue.
if (arg != 1)
strcat(output, glue, maxlength);
// Wrap these in braces or they will be a part of the above if statement (compiler bug)
// Get the address of argument no. <arg>
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit ADD.C 12
#emit LOAD.S.alt arg
#emit SHL.C.alt 2
#emit ADD
#emit LOAD.I
// Push the maxlength, arg address, and output address
#emit PUSH.C maxlength
#emit PUSH.pri
#emit PUSH.ADR output
// Push the argument count
#emit PUSH.C 12
// call strcat
#emit SYSREQ.C strcat
// Restore the stack
#emit STACK 16
// Fix compiler bug (returning strings in variadic functions)
#emit LOAD.S.pri 8
#emit ADD.C 12
#emit MOVE.alt
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit ADD
#emit LOAD.I
#emit STOR.S.pri 20
return output;
stock ret_strreplace(const string[], const search[], const replacement[], bool:ignorecase = false, pos = 0, limit = -1) {
strcat(output, string);
strreplace(output, search, replacement, ignorecase, pos, limit);
return output;
stock ret_strfromliteral(const input[], &pos = 0) {
strcat(output, input);
strfromliteral(output, input, pos);
return output;
stock ret_strtoliteral(const input[], bool:paranoid = true) {
strcat(output, input);
strtoliteral(output, input, paranoid);
return output;
stock ret_strtrim(const string[], const chars[] = !"", string_edges:edge = edge_both) {
strcat(output, string);
strtrim(output, chars, edge);
return output;
stock ret_strpad(const string[], length, const substr[] = !" ", string_edges:edge = edge_both, bool:trim_first = true, const trim_chars[] = !"") {
strcat(output, string);
strpad(output, length, substr, edge, trim_first, trim_chars);
return output;
stock ret_strwrap(const left[], const string[], const right[]) {
strcat(output, left);
strcat(output, string);
strcat(output, right);
return output;
stock ret_strurldecode(const input[]) {
strcat(output, input);
strurldecode(output, input);
return output;
stock ret_strurlencode(const input[], bool:pack = false) {
strcat(output, input);
strurlencode(output, input, _, pack);
return output;
stock ret_utf8encode(const input[]) {
utf8encode(output, input);
return output;
stock ret_utf8decode(const input[]) {
utf8decode(output, input);
return output;
stock ret_strpack(const source[]) {
strpack(output, source);
return output;
stock ret_strunpack(const source[]) {
strunpack(output, source);
return output;
stock ret_strcat(const string1[], const string2[]) {
strcat(output, string1);
strcat(output, string2);
return output;
stock ret_strmid(const source[], start, end) {
strmid(output, source, start, end);
return output;
stock ret_strins(const string[], const substr[], pos, maxlength = sizeof(string)) {
strcat(output, string);
strins(output, substr, pos);
return output;
stock ret_strdel(const string[], start, end) {
strcat(output, string);
strdel(output, start, end);
return output;
stock ret_valstr(value, bool:pack = false) {
format(output, sizeof(output), "%d", value);
if (pack)
strpack(output, output);
return output;
stock ret_GetPlayerName(playerid, bool:pack = false) {
new output[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, output, sizeof(output));
if (pack)
strpack(output, output);
return output;
stock sprintf(const fmat[], {Float, _}:...) {
static output[STRLIB_RETURN_SIZE], frm_header[3], heap;
const output_size = sizeof(output);
if (ispacked(fmat)) {
heap = CopyArgumentToHeap(0);
} else {
heap = 0;
// Store current frame header
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit CONST.alt frm_header
#emit MOVS 12
// Change the stack pointer to FRM + 12
#emit ADD.C 12 // pri is FRM (see above)
#emit SCTRL 4
// Push sizeof(output)
#emit PUSH.C output_size
// Push output
#emit PUSH.C output
// Push the argument count
#emit LOAD.S.pri 8
#emit ADD.C 8
#emit PUSH.pri
const formatex = 0; // Dummy used to avoid "unknown symbol" error
goto do_sysreq;
// Call formatex (unless this was skipped above)
#emit LCTRL 6
#emit ADD.C 36
#emit PUSH.pri
#emit CONST.pri formatex
#emit SCTRL 6
// Call format (unless formatex was called, in which case this is skipped)
#emit SYSREQ.C format
// Restore the stack pointer to FRM
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit SCTRL 4
// Copy back the frame header
#emit MOVE.alt
#emit CONST.pri frm_header
#emit MOVS 12
// Restore heap if needed
if (heap) {
// IMPORTANT: Fix compiler bug (returning strings in variadic functions)
#emit LOAD.S.pri 8
#emit ADD.C 12
#emit MOVE.alt
#emit LCTRL 5
#emit ADD
#emit LOAD.I
#emit STOR.S.pri 20 // 16 + (static_args * 4)
return output;
// It is actually used, just not by its symbol name
#pragma unused fmat