District Roleplay
Server IP:
Web/forum: http://www.district-rp.ml/index.php
Why District?
- Once upon a time there was a gang in Roleplay Servers known as Commerce District. It was a nice group and were the best. The leader of that group decided to open a nice OG server. So we thought that District would be better. This server just has been launched by Weedz(May 2016)
District Mission...
- District Staff will always try to improve the gameplay and make this the better server in SAMP world. It will take time but with your help we can do this.
District Roleplay
- It's a Roleplay server so you will have to act like you are in real life. That's the point of Roleplay. This is a Medium Roleplay and you can win a cookie(Use them in server) for your RP. District Staff will NEVER ask you for your account password.
What character can you RP?
- It's on your hand to RP a mexican/american/etc character. There are gangs that you can join and chill with them. Remember that rival gang is always there to kill you.
As a Roleplay server you can choose a job and Roleplay it. I like the new trucker system job and it's nice. Watchout from LSPD speedcam to avoid getting tickets.
Currently only LSPD faction is opened and they transfer prisoners with a LSPD bus. Don't try to do something foolish.
If you are good leading a family feel free to ask an admin IG or contact Management in forum about a gang leadership. You can be famous and notorious from LSPD. You will get money and try to own streetz. Remember that if you have money you have everything.
Custom Mappers IG
We added new features for mappers IG and they can map for donators. Well if you purchase a package with objects in it you can map around your house or in other location.
-- District Roleplay - V1.75 --
Added LSPD speedcam(Only LSPD leader can do it)
Re-scripted all LSPD faction. Ranks, Divisions
Added new maps in around Los Santos.
-- Disitrict Roleplay - V1.99 --
Added LSPD new commands(/track /pullover)
Added LSPD callsign /callsign(Requested by players)
Added RP garage interior. You can store only 1 vehicle on it.
Fixed an issue with gang leader command
Fixed /frank for gang leaders
Updated the business system to v1.5
Added Cellphone ring audio. When you receive a call you will hear "Ring Ring"
You will receive 10k$ money and 100 minutes of Bronze VIP.