I have been trying to make them respawn but not success yet.
How should code look like? To respawn dead zombie every 5 min?
Here is the code!
I have been trying to make them respawn but not success yet.
How should code look like? To respawn dead zombie every 5 min?
Here is the code!
#include <a_samp>
#include <FCNPC>
#define MAX_ZOMBIES 5
new Float:ZPos[MAX_ZOMBIES][4] = {
new Attack[MAX_PLAYERS];
new ZombieEnd;
new ZombieFirst;
public OnFilterScriptInit()
SetTimer("ZombieTimer", 400, true);
return 1;
forward ZombieTimer();
public ZombieTimer()
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i))
new Float:zP[3], Float:dist;
for(new npcid = ZombieFirst; npcid > ZombieEnd-1; npcid--)
FCNPC_GetPosition(npcid, zP[0], zP[1], zP[2]);
dist = GetPlayerDistanceFromPoint(i, zP[0], zP[1], zP[2]);
if(dist <= 0.5)
if(Attack[npcid] == 0)
FCNPC_MeleeAttack(npcid, -1);
if(dist >= 0.1) FCNPC_SetAngleToPlayer(npcid, i);
Attack[npcid] = 1;
else if(dist <= 20.0)
new Float:pP[3];
if(Attack[npcid] == 1)
Attack[npcid] = 0;
GetPlayerPos(i, pP[0], pP[1], pP[2]);
FCNPC_GoTo(npcid, pP[0], pP[1], pP[2], MOVE_TYPE_RUN, 0.5, true, 0.0, true);
else FCNPC_Stop(npcid);
return 1;
stock CriarZOMBIES()
new str[30];
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ZOMBIES; i++)
format(str, sizeof(str), "Zombie_%i", i);
new npcid = FCNPC_Create(str);
if(ZombieFirst == 0) ZombieFirst = npcid;
ZombieEnd = npcid;
FCNPC_Spawn(npcid, 162, ZPos[i][0], ZPos[i][1], ZPos[i][2]);
FCNPC_SetAngle(npcid, ZPos[i][3]);
FCNPC_SetInterior(npcid, 0);
FCNPC_SetArmour(npcid, 80);
FCNPC_SetWeapon(npcid, 4);
FCNPC_SetAmmo(npcid, 1);
printf("Zombie %d created", i);
return 1;
forward RespawnZombies();
public RespawnZombies()
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
return 1;
public FCNPC_OnDeath(npcid, killerid, weaponid)
if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
return 1;
public FCNPC_OnTakeDamage(npcid, damagerid, weaponid, bodypart, Float:health_loss)
if(bodypart == 9)
FCNPC_SetHealth(npcid, -15);
return 1;