Start and Informations
Clickable TextDraw menu , designed with iPLEOMAX's TextDraw Editor .
it can be used for shops , inventories , team selections in TDM or anything else,
Thanks for your support.
Click on meh
Screen Shots :
Functions and details
Downloads : :
example :
example :
iPLEOMAX - for his edtior
Me - for scripting this include
Clickable TextDraw menu , designed with iPLEOMAX's TextDraw Editor .
it can be used for shops , inventories , team selections in TDM or anything else,
Thanks for your support.
Click on meh
Screen Shots :
Functions and details
PHP Code:
stock iMenu_ShowForPlayer(playerid , im_menuid , im_caption[])
// It shows the frame and some datils of menu and makes it ready to add items
// playerid - ID of Player
// im_menuid - ID of menu (you can define)
// im_caption - caption of menu , like in screen shots and the video
PHP Code:
stock iMenu_AddItem(playerid , im_item_number , im_item_string[] , im_description[] , im_preview_model = -1 , Float:im_rx = 0.0 , Float:im_ry = 0.0 , Float:im_rz = 0.0 , Float:im_zoom = 1.0)
// adds items up to 12
// playerid - ID of player
// im_item_number - the number of item which is from 0 to 12
// im_item_string - the text or caption of item
// im_description - description of this item (like in screen shots and the video)
// im_preview_model - ID of object for showing in a box for this item (can be blank not be used then it shows NO PREVIEW )
// Float:im_rx - Rot X if this item uses preview model
// Float:im_ry - Rot Y if this item uses preview model
// Float:im_rz - Rot Z if this item uses preview model
// Float:im_zoom - Zoom if this item uses preview model
PHP Code:
stock iMenu_HideForPlayer(playerid)
//Hides menu
// playerid - ID of player
PHP Code:
public iMenuPlayerSelectItem(playerid , im_item)
// Call when player clicks on an item
// playerid - ID of Player
// im_item - Selected item
PHP Code:
public iMenuPlayerResponse(playerid , imenuid , itemid)
// Call when player clicks on Select while he already selected an item
// playerid - ID of player
// imenuid - ID of menu
// itemid - ID of selected item
Downloads : :
example :
example :
iPLEOMAX - for his edtior
Me - for scripting this include