I've got a pretty bad eye here, is there something unusual in these statements that makes the textdraw automatically shown when player is connected?
The code is placed on OnFilterscriptInit, and OnPlayerConnect and OnPlayerSpawn is empty
PHP Code:
Toolbar = TextDrawCreate(642.000000, 1.000000, "");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Toolbar, 255);
TextDrawFont(Toolbar, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(Toolbar, 0.500000, 2.299998);
TextDrawColor(Toolbar, -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(Toolbar, 0);
TextDrawSetProportional(Toolbar, 1);
TextDrawSetShadow(Toolbar, 1);
TextDrawUseBox(Toolbar, 1);
TextDrawBoxColor(Toolbar, 0xB1B5B8FF);
TextDrawTextSize(Toolbar, -5.000000, 0.000000);
TextDrawSetSelectable(Toolbar, 1);